Warwick Castle - UK
N & I had a fantastic day out discovering Warwick Castle.

We scaled each tower,up their spiral stairways, and walked the ramparts (yes, the legs were sore the next day!).We visited the eerie dungeon of the castle dating back to C14th. You could see where prisoners had etched into the stone walls while being imprisoned. Examples of the chains and a metal suit(for a really serious offence a measured metal suit was made to hold a body on display while it rot)hung from the ceiling. N was particularly grossed-out with that and the torture chamber, with its scarey ghostly sound effects that made us jump (it is owned by Tassauds after all!).
The State rooms included period pieces of furniture, paintings, photographs, fixtures and decorations - including silk tapestry wall paper or in the Queen Anne bedroom, vibrant coloured tapestries originally treated with urine to prevent the colours from running;the Warwick Trophy of a horseman slaying a huge cow, along with a huge cow/whale rib bone, is one of the legends of the castle(apparently a cow was raised that was milked so much it grew to twice normal size, sick of being milked it went beserk and was slaughtered).
Tassauds has fashioned two areas of the castle with waxwork dioramas and they were brilliant:
1.Kingmaker - with stables, (this freaked N out as the horse moved its ears,eyes and swished its tail and it looked soooooo real she refused to have a picture taken anywhere near it)blacksmiths, armoury, seamstress all preparing for 'the War of the Roses'in 1470.

2.A Royal Weekend Party,1898 - recreating a weekend party for the Prince of Wales using photographs from that time.

We scaled each tower,up their spiral stairways, and walked the ramparts (yes, the legs were sore the next day!).We visited the eerie dungeon of the castle dating back to C14th. You could see where prisoners had etched into the stone walls while being imprisoned. Examples of the chains and a metal suit(for a really serious offence a measured metal suit was made to hold a body on display while it rot)hung from the ceiling. N was particularly grossed-out with that and the torture chamber, with its scarey ghostly sound effects that made us jump (it is owned by Tassauds after all!).
The State rooms included period pieces of furniture, paintings, photographs, fixtures and decorations - including silk tapestry wall paper or in the Queen Anne bedroom, vibrant coloured tapestries originally treated with urine to prevent the colours from running;the Warwick Trophy of a horseman slaying a huge cow, along with a huge cow/whale rib bone, is one of the legends of the castle(apparently a cow was raised that was milked so much it grew to twice normal size, sick of being milked it went beserk and was slaughtered).
Tassauds has fashioned two areas of the castle with waxwork dioramas and they were brilliant:
1.Kingmaker - with stables, (this freaked N out as the horse moved its ears,eyes and swished its tail and it looked soooooo real she refused to have a picture taken anywhere near it)blacksmiths, armoury, seamstress all preparing for 'the War of the Roses'in 1470.

2.A Royal Weekend Party,1898 - recreating a weekend party for the Prince of Wales using photographs from that time.

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