Oh Hell & Absinth

Our guests, Vicki(ex Syd McK, now NYer) and Warwick & Wendy, have now settled right in after only two nights. After a day of walking around enjoying Prague Vicki bought an absinth spoon, and as one does insists on buying a bottle which we ALL must try! So after a game of Oh Hell(which Wendy won!!)we all relied on Vicki's new found expertise(found that afternoon after surfing the net)on how to concoct drinkable Absinth.

Unfortunately we didn't have sugar cubes so the absinth spoon was retired and replace by Ikea teaspoon to caramelise some sugar above a flame (matches or tealights), then stirred into 1/5 glass Absinth....water to taste(which turns it milky)...allow fumes to dissipate, then drink...clears the sinuses and if you have enough water (or burn the alcohol off by dropping flaming, absinth soaked, sugar into glass of Absinth - W-e-n-d-y)it starts to taste like lolly water.

Absinth is suppose to highten ones creativity and artistic abilities, so I got out some art material and the result of a joint artwork by Wendy,Vicki and myself is below.

I was surprised to see that you can buy Absinth in Prague and it's not prohibited. In many countries I couldn't find it. I like to drink it from time to time.
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