Thursday, February 09, 2006

Slack Blogger

I've been very slack in the blogging department. Life is strolling along and we are coping quite well with the cold. Most of this month has been particularly freezing, with the last couple of days enough rain to make the paths very slippery.

My tennis is improving and is great fun, with a great group of people. All of us are going skiing in Austria in a weeks time (mid term break). M is going to India and is a bit sour that he is missing out, but deep down I don't think he is keen on the idea of skiing?! So Michele, N and I might come to Colorado to visit you one day, we'll see if N is still 'ski mad' after a week of continuous skiing.

I had my first Czech language test, testing the last 6 months of learning. My teacher was very please, 92%. The class has changed a lot over the last 6 months with only myself and one of M's colleagues lasting the distance. But a new person has just started, so there are three of us again. I can read a fair amount of Czech(and I could translate this whole paragraph into Czech without any problems), but still have trouble with conversation(I have to think very hard to interpret what someone is saying, then think even harder to reply).

I've committed myself to a TEFL(Teaching English as a Foreign Language) course in March, which in Australia we call ESL. So my Czech, unfortunately, will be on hold for a while. The TEFL will open up some casual teaching opportunities, which would be something different!

I can't believe we have been here a passed very quickly. Billabong has put up a huge billboard poster on the bus route to N's school, with the ocean and 2 surfers- dressed in Billabong, watching the sets holding onto their surf boards. I don't know whether to laugh or cry! Seems like a ludicrous campaign in a land locked country...but then again it definitely has a"wish I was there" factor. I'll have to take a photo so that you can truely appreciate the absurdity of the placement-behind the billboard is field with multi stored housing(the ugly 15 storey Czech ones) and to the side the old Krc hospital.



Blogger Ross & Mardi said...

Understand the wish you were there factor - caused by the most idiotic things, like the trendiest billabong t-shirts in central cambridge: surfing centre NOT. Congrats on Czech, very impressed. M

9:39 pm  

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