Venice - Day #2

We rocked up about 10am after a long breakfast (still no bags) to find the lines into the Basilica quite short. Only one bag of corn later & purchasing the 'ciao bella' modesty t-shirt to cover N's shoulders & we're in!

Just inside the Basilica you ascend into the museum where you can look down to the nave of the church(so much gold it glistens). You could sit at this viewing platform all day and not take in every mosaic scene, with their intricate details. There are subtle colour changes on each face using tiny tiles to depict shadows or contours on faces. From the museum you can walk outside onto the Basilica balcony for a fantastic view of the piazza.

This was a major tourist attraction, large one litre beers, to pull in the customers. We all sat there watching the Nigerian hawkers selling Gucci handbags and their secret signals to pack up quick and beat the local fuzz (or was it the Italian mafia?)

Refreshed by liquid sustenance we trekked on to Tintoretto's home and the Madonna dell'Orto nearby which houses his tomb and many of his art works.
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