Swan Lake

N & I went to the ballet last night at the National Theatre. We had front row tickets, $40 each and it was brilliant. The dual role of Odette and Odilia was performed by Tereza Podarilova who is an extroadinary dancer. At break I said to N, "we have just experienced an amazing performance, wasn't she fabulous?"Reply.."Yeah she's great"...."Did you see the emotion in her face and gestures, not only is she a great ballerina, she shows what the character is feeling!" Then we found her bio in the foyer and it covered acclaimed lead roles in everything from classical to modern dance...she is the National Theatres lead soloist. N took more notice in the second half and whispered to me "mummy she is wonderful!"
N just added this..."When she was playing Odilia the sinister smile on her face was saying..my plan is going perfectly"

Here is a quote on Podarilova I found, which sums up her performances "Podařilová not only splendidly conquers the difficult dance role, but has primarily an abundance of stage experience to elaborate the part using interesting details. Every gesture, every movement, is believable in her interpretation........every gesture a small and even surprisingly delay, resulting in an even greater penetration of emotion"
M want's me to add what he did while we were at the ballet....he went to Flyboys (WWI airpilot film) - really good ! See http://www.mgm.com/flyboys/home.html'
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