Sitting on pillows, laptop on a cardboard box. Yesterday the storage people took away our air cargo...655kg. The apartment is virtually empty, being stripped of all furniture as of midday today. M has just gone for take away at the local Chinese.
N's last day of school was tearless for her; only Claire succumbing to tears during the leavers assembly. I too had to keep tears back as my mate Christine gave me a thank you gift and signed T-shirt at assembly too.
Christine and I went dancing on Friday night, to a performance by Brutus at a packed out pub near Narodni trida. After telling a few Czech guys we were gay to keep them away, we were later invited, by some 20 year boys, to a gay club afterwards....we only left there after dancing, during fits of laughter, to the Czech version of YMCA.

Thursday night I said goodbye to all my Czech friends (from TEFL days) at the Konvict pub. Then afterwards went to the Christmas party (karaoke dance party) near Charles Bridge,where I said goodbye to a lot of my Housewives club friends.