Austrian skiing holiday

N & I are back from our week learning to ski in Austria. We both joined ski school. My instructor was Franz, who has been an instructor for about 40 years. He liked cuddling all the you can see in my memento photo with him.
We stayed at the Berghotel a Kinder hotel, designed to cater to the needs of families with children. They ran a creche from 8am til 8pm, Monday to Friday, for babies to 10 years. They will even feed your kids at lunch and dinner. N sometimes forwent an afternoon of ski lessons to do the activities they had planned.
Our usual day started with ski lessons from 10 to 12, lunch until 1:30 then ski school til 3:30. Cakes were put on at 4pm. Then swim until dinner. 5 families from N's school went along, 10 kids all up. The hotel had informed the ski school that 10 kids were coming from CZ, so a CZ ski instructor was hired for the week-he ended up with 2 kids. N ended up with an Austrian girl whose English wasn't great.

Nikita at her ski lesson

2 minutes walk from the hotel was the ski school...down the hill...

Hinterstoder, this is where the gondola starts its ascent.

View from the hotel's pathway, where the gondola to town descends.

First morning view from our balcony
Europeans definitely treat Winter Olympics like we treat Summer Olympics. Czechs are the World Champions in Ice Hockey so there was huge expectations put on the team(the 'team' was a mixture from many clubs, thus they didn't play as a 'team'). It was a sad day when they didn't get into the final...but they did convincingly win Bronze against Russia.
The Czech's had other close medal contenders in other sports. Katerina Neumannova won two medals in long distance cross country, I'd say she was their star performer, and another guy won something arial ski something or other.
The Austrian ski instructors were pretty excited about the Olympics. Franz would rave on in German for at least 10 minutes every morning...and sometimes after lunch on someone in medal contention.
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