Disneyland Paris

Luckily most of the rides N wanted to go on were not the most popular neck breaking ones. N liked the newly opened Buzz Lightyear ride and a creepy elfy 'It's a small World after All' boatride which was like being stuck in the elf-land at the start of 'Series of Unfortunate Events' movie (I was in fits of laughter at the stupidity of the whole ride).
I liked the Buzz Lightyear ride - you had a laser gun and had to shoot Zurg and his robots to gain points. But by far the best entertainment was the shows at Disney Studio. There was a stunt show which was fabulous, showing how they adapt the cars for stunts like driving backwards or driving by 'remote' control.
This is a picture of a simulated explosion then a flood. There was no glass between the flood water and us, so we were splashed....great fun.