T Minus 7
Who's counting down the weeks - lol.
What happened this week.
What happened this week.
- School holiday week
- N enjoyed her week doing clothes making with a 11 yo friend, Emily, who slept over 1 night
- The week before Halloween, so today we're all going to make pumpkin masks - Party Week for J
- night out with the girls, went and saw the premiere of 'The Devil Wears Prada' (http://www.devilwearspradamovie.com/), then kicked onto the party scene, dancing & made a new Somalian model friend. They didn't get home til 3am
- dinner party at home whilst M was in Dusseldorf. Just the girls - Dusseldorf for M
- spent Thursday & Friday in Dusseldorf attending a course & catching up with the crew before heading back to AU. Has been 4 years since I'd been there
- some Leadership changes this week, so maybe some interesting options may appear for M in 2007. Woonona will still be home base !
- gave our Woonona tenants marching orders this week. Our agent seems to think the rental market is tight in the area, so hopefully our tenant will stay til the end
- new surfboard is on it's way to mum & dads
Ciao, M
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